YOU can help survivors of human trafficking and abuse with any gift amount.

YOU will be part of building the Worthy Ranch in Montana to heal survivors of human trafficking and provide services and programs including equine therapy, life coaching, and job development.

YOUR gift counts to help survivors of human trafficking and abuse.

She’s Worthy Donation

Give Now

YOU can help survivors of human trafficking and abuse with only $10 a month.

YOU will be part of building the Worthy Ranch in Montana to heal survivors of human trafficking.

What YOU get when you join the She’s Worthy online community:

  • Special invite to private donor annual donor appreciation party in Billings, Montana.

  • Recognition in our Worthy Ranch Newsletter exclusively for She’s Worthy Campaign supporters, like YOU.

  • Branded Worthy Ranch gear.

  • YOUR name on the welcome wall, which will be located at the entrance of the ranch welcoming survivors as they enter, letting them know they are not alone.

YOUR gift counts to help survivors of human trafficking and abuse.

She’s Worthy

Online Community

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